Avengers Academy Wikia

"Let's take down my father."


Possessing power over life and death, Thane was first introduced as an antagonist, fighting for Thanos. He could later be recruited to your academy after his defeat during the Infinity War Event. His Recruitment Quest is Get Thane! His Mission Board Quests can be found here.


Infinity War Event

10 Thane Shards

  • Level 6 to start the event
  • Captain Marvel's Capsules, Infinity Capsules, or battling 5.5, 5.10, 5.15


Each time Thane is upgraded, his Power Level increases.

  • Avengers Academy 2.0:
Rank Title Cost Mission
2 500 Credits, 10 Cosmic Particles Boy Meets Dogs, pt. 1
3 1,000 Credits, 25 Cosmic Particles
4 5,000 Credits, 50 Cosmic Particles
5 20,000 Credits, 100 Cosmic Particles

Combat Attributes

Cosmic Tank
Skills Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6
Basic Attack Death Touch 100% Basic attack damage +7% damage +9% +11% +13% +15%
Special Attack Titanian Tech 128% damage to front row enemies with a 29% chance to stun those targets for 1 turn. Replaces every 3rd attack. +6% damage & +3% chance to stun +12% & +6% +19% & +11% +31% & +17% +51% & +29%
Ultimate 1 Amber Alert 143% damage on 1 random enemy with a 21% attack debuff on that target for 1 turn. +7% damage & +2% debuff +14% & +4% +21% & +9% +35% & +13% +57% & +21%
Passive Vortex Enhancement 20% evasion buff to self. +2% evasion +4% +8% +12% +20%
Ultimate 2 Godkiller 114% damage to 3 random enemies and 5% evasion buff to all allies for 1 turn. +12% dmg & +3% evasion +23% & +5% +40% & +9% +69% & +15% +92% & +23%


Rank Appearance

Thane's Rank 1 outfit is

Thane's Rank 3 outfit is

Thane's Rank 5 outfit is


Thane is the son of a Thanos from a different dimension. He killed that world's Thanos before traveling to the Avengers Academy dimension. In this dimension, he fought alongside Thanos during the Infinity War before deciding to join the Avengers Academy.

Character Relationships

Cosmo the Spacedog

Cosmo realized that Thane was scared of being like his father, and helped him understand that he's not like Thanos.


Thane originally fought beside Thanos when he invaded Midgard during the Infinity War. When Thane failed to defeat the Avengers, Thanos threatened to kill him, and Thane switched sides to join the Avengers.


Thane is voiced by Scott Montiel.

  • "Do you want to be a hero?"
  • "I know what's at stake.
  • "I'm a healer."
  • "I'm not like Thanos!"
  • "Is that chocolate?"
  • "It's a family matter."
  • "It's my destiny."
  • "Promise me."
  • "There's always a chance."
  • "This isn't a gift."
  • "We have unfinished business."
  • "What's worse than death?"
  • "You time is over!"


Icon Name Time Location Rank Notes
Action Balance Life and Death
Balance Life and Death 2h Avengers Park (tree) 1
Be a Hero 5
Be the Conqueror 3
Brood 4
Mar action search for clues v3@4x
Contemplate Circle of Life 4h Avengers Dorms (right chair) 1
Improve Your Gloves 3
Inherit the Earth 2
Kill it at Pool 5
Synthesize New Cures 2
Action Take a Seat
Take a Seat 1h Thanos' Headquarters 1
Time Your Punches 4
Watch Dog Videos 2




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