Avengers Academy Wikia

Save the Spider-Verse!, Pt

Save the Spider-Verse!, Pt. 1 is an Event Quest and part of the Spider-Man Event.


Character Action Time Location
Spider-Gwen Do a World Tour 2hr The Quinjet Hanger (Quinjet)
Spider-Gwen Crack the Case 2hr The Daily Bugle (outside)
Black Widow Search For Clues 1m Paths
Spider-Gwen: You're...
The Lizard: Curtisss Connorsss. They call me--
Spider-Gwen: The Lizard.
The Lizard: Yesss. You've heard of me?
Spider-Gwen: I knew you. I fought you. When you were Peter Parker. This alternate universe thing is seriously giving me a headache...
The Lizard: Unfortunately, it'sss about to get more ssstressssful. I dessstroyed all of Ossscorp'sss portalsss, but there are othersss, and they've been reccceiving dissstressss sssignalsss...
The Lizard: Black Widow sssaysss the adminissstration hasss moved all of Professssor Pym'sss portalsss inssside S.H.I.E.L.D. H.Q. to keep them away from the Sssymbiotesss. She'll help you get inssside...
Spider-Gwen: Why me?
The Lizard: Ssspider-Verssse heroes from different universssesss are in trouble. Who better to sssave them than Ssspider-Gwen?